The Method
Experiential and Organisational Learning
People learn from experience. The learning organisation must take advantage of its experience in order to build organisational knowledge and develop its relative advantage. This learning expresses itself in the four stages of the Experiential Learning Cycle that are action, processing the activity, generalisation and drawing conclusions. A group that is participating in experiential learning creates behaviours and new points of view with opportunities for growth. We use experiential exercises in order to help people internalise new concepts and share their own perspectives. The exercises simulate real situations with everyone involved and are catalysts for thinking and involvement. As a result people are ready to laugh, get excited, take risks, play and explore new ways of engagement. All of this creates a feeling of competence and enjoyment.

Matching the Process to the Organisation
We insist on adding value to our clients and insist on building the right process for the real needs of the organization. A sound process includes initial familiarisation, building trust and partnership. This is followed by a more in depth analysis, joint decision making about the planned steps, types of intervention and implementation plan. Tuval facilitators maintain constant communication with the client that involves setting expectations, report writing, personal meetings and follow up.